Back to school medication tips – preparing an emergency medication plan

It’s that time of year! Back to school madness or first day of school sadness. While you may have started preparing for your child’s return to school by purchasing them new school supplies or their first-day-of-school outfit, it’s important to remember that if your child uses prescription medications during school hours, here are some tips to help keep them safe and give you peace of mind:

  • Know your school’s rules. Who is allowed to administer medication and who fills in if the person is absent? Is your child allowed to carry the medication? Can they take it without adult supervision?

  • Be prepared. Provide clear instructions to the school. Don’t be afraid to type out a list of all medications with warning and storage requirements. Make sure all of the appropriate people have an up-to-date list and ensure your child’s school has all emergency contact numbers.

  • Know how your child will receive the medication. Will he/she be expected to report to a certain place at a certain time? What is the school’s policy for field trips?

  • Keep your child informed. Your child should be aware of the basics of his/her condition. Let him/her know that it is OK to speak up if something doesn’t seem right.

  • Keep track of the medication supply. If the medication has to be stored at the school, check in often to ensure that you child doesn’t end up missing any doses.

Read: Reduce your Rx waste and safely dispose of your medication with these tips

Not sure where to start in creating an emergency medication plan?

Follow these steps to get started on your child’s medication safety plan.

  • Speak with your doctor or pharmacist to get all the facts about your child’s allergy or condition.

  • Meet with your child’s school before he/she goes under their care and explain their allergy or condition. If possible, meet the staff or person who would administer the medication in person to review the administration procedure with them.

  • Ensure your child’s school has all emergency contact numbers.

Keeping your child on track with his or her medication needs, like so many other good habits, starts at an early age. Making sure children understand the importance of taking their medication properly today can help put them on the road to healthier choices.

Prefer to call and speak with a pharmacist?

Express Scripts Canada pharmacists are available 24/7 to speak with members about medication requirements. They can help answer questions about your child’s condition and assist with creating a medication safety plan.